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a new life. | Monday, March 19, 2007

alright. finally settled down with what i want.

firstly, i graduated from SP(oh goosh, how time flies).

Secondly, i got through Starhub Sales Exec interview and now i'm under training. Unbelievable or should i phrase it as super-duper lucky. So many interviewees(50-80++) and i got through with 2 of my friends out of the 6 of us. Pay-wise is ok, which is around $1.2k /mth. But the most important thing is i have learnt alot from this job and realised more about reality in working life. Probably staying on to the job till i get enlisted for army. Well, it's not that bad after all. At least i know enlistment is ard Sept. Hope to save at least 5k during these mths. On top of it, there are some pretty women to work with! Cheers for that. *grins*

thirdly, guitar! Been longing to learn and own one! But got to wait till pay day comes. Boo~~

forth, i've been thinking of further studying in Australia. Main reason is to get away from everything in Singapore for a couple of years. Perhaps staying there after my studies. Hard to say about future for now.

fifth, i'm getting upset whenever my parents forced me to take money from them. I don't want to depend on them already as i'm capable to earning money. It's like, i'm working and they still give me money to spend. For example, my mum gave me $200 cash yesterday, telling me to take from her if i don't have enough. And today, she wanted to buy me the SE k800i phone which i happened to tell my sis i like the phone. Argh! I'm a grown up, and want to be treated like one. Instead, i should be the one giving them the money to spend. In this sense, not totally financially supporting them but allowance.

six, i will be quitting mahjong. U people must be shock to hear this huh?! well, reason is simple. I feel very guilty when i win $ from my friends. Fact is, mahjong is a still a gd way for social communication and can really see how the person character is as well. Laughing and having a good time away should be the way, not leaving the place feeling unhappy about losing some money. However, it might be worth losing some money to know how a person is exactly.

life is really different after proceeding to having a decent job. It's not like working as a sales promoter at Carrefour, warehouse/factory and helping out at my mum's store. My past experience actually comes to a zero, as working for a established company with stringent rules and regulations is a totally new environment which is the kind i hope to work in future. In fact, i realised so much abt myself since i started in Starhub. One of it is that i've confirmed i'm a workaholic.

During sch life, our minds are overly occupied with what's going on in class and projs and entertainment which our minds are clouded. After my last exam, finally i have the time to slow my pace and think what i want. Is is getting the best results in class? Excel in basketball? Or is it getting popular and hanging around with the hottest people you know? Actually , mine is pretty straight forward. My path is to get a degree in biz/marketing and then an extra certification in ACCA. My dream is to starting off my own business which i have it since 14. There were times i tried starting off with my hobby, fish keeping, as a form of business. Results can be rather attractive but time has told me it can only be for temporary. Most lucrative form boils down to basic necessity. Food and services. New products are not easy to start off in the market. How about yours? Have you guys thought about it? =)

Here i am, laughing at what i have once said to the dearest people or myself in my life.

1) I told my parents i will be doctor or lawyer and earn alot of money to build big houses and hire servants for them. My age that time: 4-7 yrs old.

2) JC? should be able to get in one lah!
Age: 14-15
Probably if my secondary days didn't happen with so many family issues, i might have carried through with my results. Well with the fact i was top 15% of the entire cohort in sch.

3)First love shall be my last.
Age: since young. think ard 5.
I kind of believe in fairy tale, that the fact i could meet someone in my life. Perhaps this is the reason why i hesitated in so many relationships before my eyes, knowing that they could not last. Of course i have friends laughing at me, "come'on! it's just for fun and experience!". To me, it's a serious matter. I'm not looking for it, cause i believe if she's meant to be the one, then let fate bring us. I know guys who are so super desperate then literally goes around having crashes and madly declaring their feelings and get rejected countless times. Even if they get into a relationship, will they last?

anyway, kind of late now. 4:15am. Have training at 830 and got to wake up by 645am. Bye. Take care peeps. cya.

Created at 3:25 AM

| Saturday, September 30, 2006

sat have appointment with my ear nose throat specialist. 10am.
my nose internally has been bleeding . don't know what happened.
shouldn't have told my mum, else she won't get so worried over it.
but i hope it's just something minor, some medications can help.

will miss bballing with them again. really NONG NONG time since i balled.

Created at 1:13 AM

things are funny when you are tired. but most important, smile and get over it at the end of the story.

was reading turtle's blog and one of his posts is very true.
we died and re-live constantly.
"...a life is made of many lives.dead and alive multiplied by a number.."
i died when i met my first love.
i died when i joined a uniform and discipline unit.
i died when i got obsessed into bball with them.
i died when my good friend commited suicide and left us.
i died when i graduated from sec sch.
i died when my grandpa left me.
i died when my dad has a stroke.
i died when i cried.

i could have taken my chance for her.
i could have been the person to help my friend sort out his thoughts.
i could have spent more time with my grandpa.
i could have helped out my parents more at the store.
i could have been a good student.

-so many deaths and rebirths to make similar or repetition realisations.

i am not as strong as i thought to be.
i am not as confident which i used to be.
i am emotional.

many things we wished we could have done, words which we should not have said, times we wanted to spend on.

but did we?

Created at 12:48 AM

long post today.

sch reopened. a big hole to my pockets on books.
time table is relaxed, but the projs and stuff are killing me.

so many bday's this period! i spent almost $200-$300 in 1.5 mths? well, that's life. Friends birthdays, what to do!

Today celebrated dave and huimeing's bday at kbox. A surprise present for dave. squash racket! And huimeing received some GNC's protein from us. Hope u guys like it from us. Clarissa has this weird skin problem, but hope she recover earlier ! In case she spread around. =x

Created at 12:43 AM

| Thursday, September 07, 2006

Many feeling unhappy and the feeling simply sucks. especially my classmate, Tauyong.

1) rejection from the guy/gal u like
2)sch teachers pressurize u
3)no money to buy the things u want
4)family member not feeling well
5)took the blame for someone else(like me during work for the mistake warehouse has done)
6)Another pimple popped out.
7)Forgot to zip your pants and a group of girls walked past and giggled at your pants.
8)Lots of rules and regulations that restrict you from doing your things.

::: cheer up! That's not the end of the world. Things will get better and always a way out. :::

Created at 1:43 AM

first of all, happy birthday SIM(3/9)~! Hope you like the present ya! One year older means more girlfriends, more money and closer to NS. =p

Started working on tuesday at expo, John Little Fair. Same job, luggage promoter.

Sales very bad today, and shit happens in parts and parcels of our life right? Sales bad means cannot reach target, and the boss scolds naturally. But the thing is, no customers interested to buy the bags we can't do much right. The product selling is not an necessity, unless one is going overseas, so people won't bother to look at it if they don't need it.

Pek Chek! Sales cannot meet target and boss just pressurized. Got to work with some stubborn people in John Little, especially the in charge. Can't even drink water or have a sweet in the hall, must go to the cafe to consume them. It's like, walking some distance to cafe to have a sip of water is so dumb. Best of all, I recieved an order which requires 8 sets of luggage(quite expensive) and the warehouse sent me faulty goods! The customer came down specially for the order and I couldn't give it to him. I felt so bad and lousy , as i couldn't help him much as it involves with the warehouse.

I love sales and meeting people. But this time requires long travelling and have some bad incidents so abit disheartened not to continue after this fair. So, see how things go first till this sunday. There are other better paying jobs around afterall.

Created at 1:12 AM

| Friday, September 01, 2006

maybe I'm going through what norywn experienced.

perhaps it's time.

Created at 11:33 PM

ok final post of the day before i go off to bed.


I'm currently addicted to reading comics online. At least u don't have to hold or flip the pages. *Clickz*

Created at 5:32 AM

*I encounter errors while trying to tag. Sorry if i can't reply at the moment.

==Error solved==
My IE cannot identify ActiveX Control tag. So I have changed to a JS tagboard.

Created at 4:43 AM

that's the problem with me. I know what's wrong. It's the feeling of helplessness when you want to forget someone that has a place in your heart.

Hmm. Maybe that's the reason why i love working. It keeps me tired and won't think about it. 4 months to graduation, and I guess I won't meet her again. Then it should be time to really clear my mind.


Created at 3:56 AM

Issue 1:
It's dumb to force one to like somebody in order to forget someone.

Issue 2:
Things were simple and happy when we just started off. When we got to know the game better, we became competitive and forgot a point. To be happy, in whatever times we have together.

SMILE; in whatever moments u can.

Created at 3:50 AM

Age of Silence | Thursday, August 31, 2006

During the Age of Silence, people communicated more, not less. Basic survival demanded that the hands were almost never still, and so it was only during sleep (and sometimes not even then) that people were not saying something or other. No distinction was made between the gestures of language and the gestures of life.

The labor of building a house, say, or preparing a meal was no less an expression than making the sign for I love you or I feel serious. When a hand was used to shield one's face when frightened by a loud noise, something was being said, ...., and even when the hands were at rest. that too, was saying something.Naturally, there were misunderstandings. There were times when a finger might have been lifted to scratch a nose, and if casual eye contact was made with one's lover just then, the lover might accidentally take it to be a gesture, not at all dissimilar, for Now I realise I was wrong to love you. These mistakes are heartbreaking. And yet because people knew how easily they could happen, because they didn't go around with the illusion that they understood perfectly the things other people said, they were used to interrupting each other to ask if they'd understood correctly.

Sometimes, these misunderstandings are desirable..Because of he frequency of these mistakes, over time the gesture for asking forgiveness evolved into simplest form. Just to open your palm was to say: Forgive me.

...taken from a brother's blog, just to share with everyone.

Created at 1:38 AM

Stars are beautiful isn't it? It's a pity we can't see much in Singapore. Just one day, I must sleep with the stars above.

Exams are over. And it's the first time i didn't study for exams. What's my self-defence reason?Simply busted over an issue for uncountable sleepless nights. But, overall should not be any problem to pass. But A's? Doubt so.

*This part is dedicated to jillian who is with me all this while when i'm down. Thank you for listening and supporting me all these times. No reason for me hold on to it anymore*

Created at 12:36 AM

study week, NOT! | Saturday, August 12, 2006

study week for Sp students. but we dbit had to return to sch almost like usual. tests + proj + report.

haven't touch my studying stuff. haha. later when i wake up will be studying.

for the past week:
-bc and kh got hold of my weak point. SHHH!
-soccer+dinner with my class guys. fun. almost 7 yrs since i touched the soccer ball.
-shopping for des present. then celebrated at kbox + fireworks+ fountain slacking. lots of fun. happy bday des! please find a gf soon. and NOT KAI SENG!
(psss....actually didn't want to go for fireworks. wanted to leave early to call someone but i stayed. fireworks was nice as usual. but no regrets staying on for it)

so what's the difference between 16 yrs old me and present me? HUGE!
experienced lots more. and most important realisation.

-pointless with any form of procrastination. live and excel with it.
-winning is not the most important. it's the fun and experiences we gain. That's why i hate to compare with others. Don't understand why i used to compare with everything. studies, games, stuff.etc.
-everyone is out there for themself. So don't be a saint and think they will be grateful for ur help.
-talk less = less problems. but sometimes it is not true. problems do find to your doorstep.
-less observant to things around me. which is not very gd.

but something i haven't change a single bit.
-i still like intelligent gals who can be independant.

ciaoz to bedtime.

Created at 5:08 AM

| Monday, August 07, 2006

when i fall in love, it would be forever or never.

that's why so difficult to meet.

but fate told me recently, she's approaching.

Created at 10:15 PM


Name: Ah Mun/Chris
Age: 19

Currently third year student of Biz-It in Singapore Polytechnic.
Planning to go SIM to further in Marketing.



Bad Customer Service

Backpacking trip to Hongkong
Pet Cat
Tanya Chua New Album
Driving Licence
Pray for her to stay happy

FangXian 1
Jerome 2
Daniel 3
Alvin 4
Ghim Gui 5
James 6
Melissa 7
Jillian 8
Shiya 9
Sandra 10
Alicia 11
Desmond 12
Dave 13
TauYong 14
BengChuan 15
Jessica 16
Khim Hong 17

get toggler @ flooble


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